Strategies for Separating Trucks from Passenger Vehicles: Truck Facility Guidebook
D.R. Middleton, S.P. Venglar, C.A. Quiroga, D. Lord
Publication Date:
October 2006
The purpose of the Truck Facility Guidebook is to assist TxDOT engineers in understanding and replicating the process used by researchers to determine the need for truck treatments. This Guidebook provides criteria to assest TxDOT in choosing among the three types of truck facilities: 1) lane restrictions, 2) dedicated truck lanes, and 3) exclusive truck roadways. The Guidebook primary focuses on the third type, exclusive truck roadways, and guides users through a nine-step process to determine the need for these facilties. The nine-steps follow.
* Step 1: Acquire truck and non-truck volume.
* Step 2: Predict fruture truck and non-truck volume.
* Step 3: Determine desired level of service/
* Step 4: Determine number of truck roadway.
* Step 5: Acquire crash data and estimate.
* Step 6: Determine initial construction cost.
* Step 7: Determine cost of delay and fuel consumption.
* Step 8: Determine user perspective and other measures
* Step 9: Total all benefits and costs.
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