P.J. Carlson, L.L. Higgins, J.M. Re
Publication Date
April 2012
This study evaluated TxDOT's current sign retroreflectivity maintenance practices, assessed their effectiveness, and recommended statewide sign retroreflectivity maintenance practices that could be easily and effectively implemented to ensure that TxDOT would be in compliance with the new MUTCD language related to minimum sign retroflectivity. The researchers measured the retrorflectivity of almost 1400 signs across the state to assess the effectiveness of TxDOT's current practices, evaluated a mobile sign retroreflectivity measurement technology, visited district and maintenance offices across the state, studied the effectiveness of using the calibrated sign and comparison panel procedures of the visual nighttime sign inspection maintenance method, developed a standardized form for making and documenting nighttime inspection, and made recommendations for changes in TxDOT's current practices are quite effective compared to the minimum retroreflectivity levels in the 2011 Texas MUTCD. Three specific recommendations are provided that will bring TxDOT's current practices into compliance with the 2011 Texas MUTCD. First, TxDOT should provide calibration signs to the maintenance sections. Second, a standardized form should be used to conduct inspections and document inspections. Finally, a training program should be implemented to educate the inspectors on how to conduct the inspections and the importance of sign retroreflectivity.
Report Number:
cost analysis, Mobile Sign Retroreflectivity, MUTCD, Traffic Control Device, Traffic Sign Retroreflectivity
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