Building and maintaining Texas’ transportation infrastructure are costly endeavors. Research conducted by the Texas A&M Transportation Institute’s (TTI’s) Infrastructure Investment Analysis Program (IIAP) helps inform policy makers how best to mitigate those costs and provide the greatest return to Texas taxpayers. “The importance of transportation to the economy is obviously significant,” says IIAP Manager David […]
economic impact
TxDOT, TTI Team Up to Address Roadway Damage Resulting from Energy Development
The energy sector is having a dramatic positive economic impact on Texas and the nation. But many Texas roadways have experienced accelerated pavement degradation due to heavy truck loads and increased traffic. An interagency agreement between the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) and the Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI) seeks to give districts the necessary […]
Sharing Information Is Key to Solving Transportation Problems
Workshop Facilitates Information Sharing Among State, Local Agencies The Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI) hosted the Transportation and Energy Sector Development Workshop on May 6–7, 2014, in Arlington, Texas. The workshop was co-sponsored by the Transportation Research Board (TRB) of the National Academies, the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) and the Upper Great Plains Transportation […]
Looking for Lessons Learned: TTI Examines Strategies Other States Use to Cope with Energy Development
One way or the other, the oil and gas industry seems to be ever-present in the minds of Texans. Through last summer, oil prices over $100 per barrel were fueling a boom in drilling activity across the state, especially in the Permian Basin and Eagle Ford Shale formations. Texas was supporting 48 percent of all […]
Estimating Economic Impacts for Policymakers
Finance When it comes to selecting and funding transportation improvements in Texas, communities have a wide array of alternatives, with each having its own advantages and disadvantages. Frequently, vigorous debate occurs about how best to solve traffic problems. The key question is often how best to increase mobility in the most cost-effective way possible. Should […]
Computer Simulations Explore “What If” Disaster Scenarios
Advances in computer modeling now make a proactive plan more possible, potentially giving planners the head start they need to minimize the public-safety and economic consequences of a disaster.