Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI) Graduate Research Assistant Ali Khodadadi recently published the article “Application of Different Negative Binominal Parameterizations to Develop Safety Performance Functions for Non-Federal Aid System Roads” in volume 156 (June 2021) of Accident Analysis & Prevention. The authors also include Subasish Das, TTI assistant research scientist; Yingfeng Li, Virginia Tech Transportation Institute […]
Safe-D University Transportation Center
Shaking Up the System: Safe-D Looks at How Disruptive Technologies Can Improve Roadway Safety
Funded through the U.S. Department of Transportation’s University Transportation Center (UTC) Program, the Safety through Disruption (Safe-D) UTC is led by the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute (VTTI). In partnership with San Diego State University and the Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI), center researchers endeavor to maximize the potential safety benefits of disruptive technologies through targeted […]
Need a Free, Fun Science Activity for Your 4th–6th Grader?
TTI Sheds a Light on Traffic Sign Reflectivity The Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI) is offering parents and their homebound students a unique and inspiring lesson in the science behind how roadway objects like street signs and lane markings can be seen at night—a property called retroreflectivity. Aimed at 4th to 6th graders, the at-home […]
TTI/Safe-D Researchers Recommend Safe and Economical Lane Wandering Pattern for AVs
Among the many apparent differences between Automated Vehicles (AVs) and human driven vehicles, one of the most significant is how AVs position themselves within a traffic lane. In other words, how do they stay in the lane safely? AVs are equipped with advanced positioning systems that can keep their position in the lane more precisely […]
TTI Develops Traffic Safety Science Curriculum for Secondary-School Teachers
Science teachers across the country can now easily obtain a no-cost curriculum and the materials needed to teach their students about the science of retroreflectivity, a unique characteristic of traffic signs and pavement markings. The materials used to make the signs and markings make it possible to direct light from vehicles back to drivers, which […]
SAFE-D Inspires Students at Huge STEM Expo
Students and researchers with TTI’s Safety through Disruption (Safe-D) University Transportation Center (UTC) took part in the largest science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) event in the nation April 7–8. The USA Science and Engineering Festival Expo in Washington, D.C., was attended by about 350,000 students, science and technology educators, researchers and parents. Thousands of […]
WTS Scholarship Awarded to TTI’s Safe-D Graduate Student
TTI Graduate Research Assistant Sirajum (Silvy) Munira is the recipient of a $7,000 scholarship from the Houston Chapter of the Woman’s Transportation Seminar (WTS). The Helene M. Overly scholarship was awarded at the WTS Gala in Houston in March. It’s a competitive scholarship awarded to women pursuing graduate studies in the transportation field. WTS is […]