Accounting for about 29 percent of the total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, the transportation sector is the largest contributor of GHG emissions in the United States. In an effort to reduce those numbers, the Texas A&M Transportation Institute’s (TTI’s) Environmental and Emissions Research Facility (EERF) has emerged as a leader in the race to find […]
sustainable transportation
Building Sustainability into Our Transportation System
Vital to economic growth, transportation can also be a detriment to human health and the natural environment. That’s among the reasons why the concept of sustainable transportation is emerging in countries around the globe, among most state departments of transportation in the United States and, in increasing cases, as part of transportation engineering curricula. “Sustainable […]
Walk, Don’t Drive: Active Transportation May Provide More than Health Benefits
In the United States, more people live in suburbs than in central cities, and suburbanites drive automobiles or rely on mass transit to get to and from work. The construction of highways with multiple lanes and faster speed limits has been a common response to meet the growth of sprawling cities and the widespread ownership […]
The Freight Shuttle System: Clearing the Air on Sustainable Freight Movement
Doing more with less: that’s the mantra of transportation agencies everywhere these days. We need to achieve greater mobility on our roadways, but we can’t afford to build our way out of congestion. We need to clean the air around urban areas to improve public health, but policies enforcing clean air are difficult to pass […]