Ing. Salvador Fernández Ayala, Presidente de la XXV Mesa Directiva Nacional de la Asociación Mexicana de Ingeniería de Vías Terrestres (AMIVTAC), invited TTI Research Scientist Juan Carlos Espinosa and TTI Associate Transportation Researcher Micah Leonard to present at AMIVTAC’s 50th Anniversary.
transportation safety
Rural Toolkit Devised to Help High-Crash-Rate Areas Improve Transportation Safety
Half of all fatal crashes in Texas occur on rural roadways. Researchers with the Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI) have identified those areas of the state with the highest crash rates and devised a plan that focuses on solving their specific issues, despite limited resources. “This is a targeted, evidence-based, systematic approach that not only […]
A Team Effort: Toyota Project Brings Together Multiple Institutions to Create Crash Countermeasures
In 2013, Robert Wunderlich, director of the Texas A&M Transportation Institute’s (TTI’s) Center for Transportation Safety gathered a team of researchers to work on a project funded by the Toyota Economic Loss Settlement — money set aside for transportation safety research. The project’s goal was to find methods to reduce crashes caused by vehicle- and/or […]
Applications Now Open for Summer Research Internship in Transportation Safety
Applications are now being accepting for a 10-week summer internship program at the Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI). The internship is sponsored by two USDOT funded University Transportation Centers: the Advancing Transportation Leadership and Safety (ATLAS) Center, a partnership between TTI and the University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute; and Safe-D, a partnership between TTI, Virginia […]
Spike in Pedestrian/Bicyclist Deaths Prompts Year-Long Study by TxDOT
A sharp increase in the number of pedestrian fatalities in Texas has prompted researchers with the Center for Transportation Safety at the Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI) to examine what factors contributed to the 550 deaths in 2015 — nearly a 13 percent increase from the year before. In fact, since 2010, pedestrian fatalities have […]
TTI’s Toyota Project Aims to Proactively Detect Driver Stress, Vehicle Errors
Can driver stress levels and abnormal vehicle operations be detected and measured to help prevent crashes? Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI) researchers and members of its multidisciplinary, multi-institution team have completed the second year of a three-year project looking at that question. So far, the answer seems to be a resounding “yes.” The TTI project […]