As Texas lawmakers prepare for the 84th Texas Legislative Session, one of the topics on their agenda is the Texas transportation system. How to maintain and enhance all modes of transportation in the state to benefit residents, business owners and travelers has been discussed in recent sessions. Given innovations in technology and a growing population, […]
TTI Becoming Known for Expertise in Retrofitting Bridges
Transportation research often focuses on finding safer and more efficient ways of doing things. A case in point is older bridges. Some features may need to be modernized to make older bridges safer and more reliable. “The nation’s infrastructure is wearing out,” says William Williams, an associate research engineer at the Texas A&M Transportation Institute […]
Helping TxDOT Build Better Bridges
BRIDGE TO THE PAST One often hears the phrase, “They just don’t build ’em like they used to.” It’s true of many things, including bridges. In Fort Worth, Texas, local historic preservation groups expressed concerns that historically significant bridge structures in the area could be endangered due to infrastructure upgrades demanded by modern traffic. In […]
Designing and Maintaining Tougher Roadways for Texas
Oil and gas production has increased dramatically in Texas in recent years, and every indication is that this trend will continue into the foreseeable future. The state now has 48 percent of all active drilling rigs in the United States. Many of these rigs are in the Eagle Ford Shale play in South Texas. Recent […]
TTI Study Examines Policy Implications of Automated Vehicles
The widespread presence of self-driving vehicles is still many years away. To manufacturers, those years represent a long and anxious wait to get their products to market. Government decision-makers, on the other hand, might view the wait as a good thing, since they will need all the time they can get to work through the […]
Meeting Future Texas Bridge-Building Requirements
Bridges The over 50,000 bridges in Texas — more than in any other state in the nation — come in all shapes and sizes. The need to make sure that our longer-span bridges remain structurally sound and safe is a key reason that Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI) research in the area of bridge design, […]
Using New Technologies to Solve Old Problems
Pavements With close to 80,000 miles of roadways in Texas, maintaining the pavements, whether asphalt or concrete, is a demanding and costly part of city, county and state responsibilities to keep our transportation system among the best in the country. When potholes, cracks and ruts appear and begin to degrade the pavement, it’s often too […]
TTI’s New Policy Research Center to Facilitate Innovation
“Everything about the Texas transportation system is changing,” says Ginger Goodin, director of the Texas A&M Transportation Institute’s (TTI’s) new Policy Research Center (PRC). “The old way of doing things just isn’t feasible anymore.” Goodin is essentially referring to the old solution of simply building more roads to meet our state’s mobility needs. While adding […]
How Do We Finance Transportation? That Is the (Philosophical) Question
Innovations in technology — like electric, hydrogen-fueled and hybrid cars — and improved gas mileage have resulted in flat gas-tax revenues…demands on the transportation network have continued to rise.
Texas Legislature Redefines Transportation Reinvestment Zones
The term hasn’t made it into daily conversation yet, but “transportation reinvestment zone” (TRZ) will likely become a familiar phrase among Texas taxing authorities soon.
Another TTI First: Broadcasting Crash Tests
On Sept. 26, for the first time in Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI) history, a crash test at TTI’s Proving Grounds was broadcast live via the Internet to clients and stakeholders across the country. Providing live streaming crash tests was the brainchild of Dean Alberson, assistant agency director and manager of the TTI Crashworthy Structures […]
Broader Shoulders Support Safer Roadways
Texas highways are safer now thanks to scores of projects completed in the last few years to add shoulders and width on more than 1,000 miles of rural, two-lane highways, according to an analysis by TTI.
The I-35 Expansion Project
The Texas Department of Transportation created MY 35, a citizen-driven effort to expand a 96-mile stretch from Hillsboro to Salado of I-35, and engaged TTI to provide independent technical support for the effort.
Thin Is In: Thin Asphalt Overlay Helps Stretch Budgets Further
TTI researchers have spent years refining thin asphalt overlay mixes that bridge the gap between high traffic loads and limited maintenance budgets.
A Blueprint for Sustainability
Sustainability — a popular, emerging concept — has become a key consideration in the delivery and operation of transportation infrastructure, and at all levels of government.
Energy Developments and Our Roadways: Impacts and Strategies
In recent years, there has been a boom of energy-related activities in Texas, but many short- and long-term impacts on the state’s right-of-way and infrastructure are not properly documented.
Rendell Tells Texas Transportation Forum It’s Time to Act
Worried about the condition of our nation’s infrastructure, Pennsylvania Gov. Edward G. Rendell delivered a fiery keynote speech to the 1,200 attendees of this year’s Texas Transportation Forum, held in Austin Jan. 3-5. The forum was co-sponsored by Texas Transportation Institute. “We used to be the best at everything,” Rendell said during his speech occurring […]
Maintaining a Strong Foundation: Materials and Pavements Implementation Projects
Tying It All Together — Corridor Analysis Maintaining the existing highway network is one of the Texas Department of Transportation’s (TxDOT‘s) top priorities. Many segments on important routes have now exceeded their design lives and are in need of major rehabilitation. To assist in this critical task, TxDOT contracted with the Texas Transportation Institute (TTI) […]
The Right Time and the Right Place: Taking Care of Our Infrastructure
Texas’ transportation system has allowed the state to successfully compete in a global market. An efficient transportation network allows companies to move their goods efficiently and effectively, offering just-in-time service to their customers. In the current economic climate, the agencies that oversee our transportation system must make every dollar count. This renewed focus means using […]